'n Waardegedrewe skool
HSDA is ‘n waardegedrewe skool. Elke leerder poog om hierdie waardes ywerig en met entoesiasme uit te leef.
Definisie: Ywerigheid by die skool; nie ledig of lui nie.
‘n HARDWERKENDE persoon: doen sy/haar plig, is selfbeheersd, kies ‘n positiewe houding, strewe na uitnemendheid, stel ‘n goeie voorbeeld, en beplan en stel doelwitte -
Definition: Confidence in oneself; proud of your own personality.
A person with SELF-RESPECT: recognizes individual differences, listens carefully, has respect for others, resolves conflict without violence, has good manners and respects the rights of others. -
Definisie: Vermoë om vol te hou met ‘n saak, om deur te druk totdat iets uitgevoer is.
‘n Persoon met DEURSETTINGSVERMOË: het moed, het wilskrag, stel doelwitte op, is standvastig, fokus en presteer. -
Definition: A strong desire to do or achieve something for the sake of honour and respect. A strong desire and determination to achieve success.
A person with AMBITION: works hard, is very curious and wants to learn, never gives up, likes networking with other people, is creative, takes responsibility, responds immediately and lives the moment.
Brief van die skoolhoof
DE AAR HIGH SCHOOL appreciates your enquiry for admission of your child. We believe that we will provide you with enough evidence to make a well –thought through decision… DE AAR HIGH SCHOOL is the one!
For the past 95 years, De Aar High School provided good qualified and happy learners, who became responsible and successful adults with an excellent value system. We have the ability to develop and strengthen potential, if given a chance to do that.
HSDA se leuse, Qui petet inveniet, beteken:
Wie soek sal vind.
Ons mik altyd hoër by HSDA en soek terreine waarop ons nog beter kan presteer.
HSDA is ‘n sterk, lewenskragtige skool. Ons laat ons nie onderkry deur die feit dat ons ’n plattelandse hoërskool is, en boonop geografies buite stedelike gebiede geleë is nie. Ons het inderwaarheid vanjaar, soos ander jare, baie stadskole stof in die oë geskop op sport, kultuur en akademiese gebied.
Jaarliks presteer HSDA uitstekend met prestasies op plaaslik, provinsiale en ook nasionale vlak.
De Aar High School does not have to stand back for any other school. We always aim higher and higher! We have the ability to take you higher with us. We invite you to accept it.
Vriendelike groete
Meneer Johan Koen
Ons Visie
A leading multi-cultural and dual-medium educational institution of excellence, that provides education of a Christian nature to equip young people to be assertive in all sectors of the South African society.
’n Toonaangewende multikulturele en dubbel medium onderwysinstelling van uitnemendheid wat opvoedende onderrig met Christelike waardes lewer, en jongmense toerus om verantwoordelik te wees in alle sektore van die Suid-Afrikaanse samelewing.
Ons Missie
The top school in the province, with a strong shared ethical value system which attracts learners through our ability to be inclusive while equipping them with both academic and healthy life principles, in order to step into the professional world effectively. We attain this through innovative problemsolving and improvisation and co-operation of all the stakeholders.
Om dié topskool in die provinsie te wees met ‘n sterk waardesisteem wat leerders lok deur ons vermoë om op ‘n inklusiewe basis, ons leerders holisties te ontwikkel, om sodoende effektief tot die volwasse beroepswêreld toe te tree. Ons doen dit deur innoverende probleemoplossing met die samewerking van alle belanghebbendes.
Maak seker jy kom deel in die Karoofees 2024.
'n 100-Jaarfeesviering sal jy net een keer in jou leeftyd beleef!

Kÿto Karoofees en Bemarking: Kontak Me. Olivier